Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Why Are Blogs so Popular?

Finally an easy way to express your thoughts and give practical information to others without the hassle of HTML. Thankfully you do not need to be experienced in HTML, which is quite involved. I was amazed at how easy it was to get a blog account, and then proceed to write my own blogs. I however have not gotten to the point of having information exciting enough or worthy of doing a blog, but there will come a time... and it is fun and painless, who knew? I would be inclined to start a blog about the materials and selections I use for the storytimes I do. This would give other librarians some information that might be useful, and I certainly will now be looking for other blogs with this info as well. It will be easy to be in contact with others that share my passion for books and getting children to read.


Rich Site Summaries (RSS) creates a news wire for the internet. Typically a small orange box will indicate if RSS is available. In most cases special software is needed, a news aggregator and some of the web browsers have built in software for the RSS. Some of the software available allows you to personalize what you receive, and when you recieve it. NewsIsFree is software that you can register for, this allows you to select which sites will appear at the top, headlines will appear on one or more pages. Personally feel that you really need to have the time to read all the updates sent to by way of RSS. Signing up for to many of the sites would keep your mailbox full, so be selctive.

Understanding Wiki's

I love that Wiki came from the suthors traveling adventure in Honolulu. I enjoy reading more about an author when I know they have a humorous side.
From my understanding these sites are a way to combine private and public knowledge. This eventually resulted in the encyclipedia "Wikipedia" . A wiki allows information written by several sources to be combined in a single page. The wiki is a very easy nad user friendly maintained database for searching. Pages and information are easily added and updated. A concern would be about how acurate the information is. With Mediawiki that users supply a "edit summary" along with changes that shows changes made that arre not in the article. This allows for the user to explain the changes.

trial run

making sure I can post